NRC's Nielsen and Holden Receive Awards

Two members of the Northfield Retirement Community (NRC) senior leadership team recently received prestigious awards. Tom Nielsen, vice president of long term care operations and administrator, received the Melvin Jones Fellowship from The Northfield Lions Club, and Shelley Holden, vice president of residential housing and property management, was selected to participate in the 2012-13 Aging Services of Minnesota Leadership Academy.

The Melvin Jones Fellowship is named for the founder of Lions Clubs International, in recognition of the recipient’s community service and humanitarian work. “Tom exemplifies what it means to be a Lion,” said Northfield Lions Club President Brian Rykhus. “His enthusiasm, dedication and commitment to building community are without match. He is a past president, has served on our board, and has been involved in our fundraising efforts in a very hands-on way.”

Holden is one of just 25 leaders across the state selected to participate in the Aging Services of Minnesota Leadership Academy, the organization’s competitive leadership development program. “It has never been more important to develop strong leaders who will shape the future of aging in Minnesota,” said Gayle Kvenvold, president and CEO of Aging Services of Minnesota. “People like Shelley will play an important role in helping to ensure that we all enjoy the quality of life, dignity and options we deserve as we grow older.”

Now in its third year, the Aging Services of Minnesota Leadership Academy is designed specifically to cultivate high-potential leaders in Minnesota’s field of aging services. Leadership Academy Fellows embark on a rigorous journey of leadership theory, self-reflection, critical skill development and action learning.

Holden joins a group that represents a new generation of transformational learning in Minnesota – people who will not just respond to the changing times, but will drive positive change for their organizations, the seniors and families they serve, and the broader aging services community.

“Both Tom and Shelley exemplify the NRC mission in that they are fully committed to providing extraordinary care for our residents, advancing the field of senior care and reaching out to the Northfield community,” said Kyle Nordine, NRC’s president and CEO. “They are key members of our leadership team and help ensure our continued excellence. Our entire organization is proud of the honors bestowed on these individuals.”

Northfield Retirement Community has a 40-year history of providing quality housing and services specifically designed to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of older adults. The organization currently operates or manages seven senior living facilities across the community: Northfield ParkView, SouthView Suites, Cannon Valley Suites, Northwood Pines, Northfield Manor, Evergreen Lodge (memory care facility) and Northfield Care Center. Providing a range of services – from round-the-clock care to minimal home care assistance – the housing options available focus on giving adults, age 55 or older, the assistance they need to lead healthy, meaningful lives.